About me

Laura Marie Feeney has been a member of the research staff at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science since 1999 and is also affiliated with Uppsala University as an industry doctoral researcher in the Communication Research Group at the Division of Computer Systems.

Laura's research interests are broadly in networking and systems, with a mix of industry and academic work. Most of her current activities are directed toward decentralized wireless networks such as ad hoc, opportunistic and sensor networks, particularly battery-efficient networking, performance evaluation, and practical network operations.

Though much of her research is based on developing novel measurement techniques, she is also active in the OMNeT++ simulation community and participates in the OMNeT++ Steering Committee.

Laura has authored 19 refereed papers in journals and international conferences and co-supervised four M.Sc. theses. She has given two keynote presentations and been a general or TPC co-chair or member of the organizing committee for a number of international conferences, including ACM MSWiM, IFIP Networking, and the OMNeT++ Workshop. She has been a visitor at the Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School, University of Rome La Sapienza, and Technical University Berlin.

Before coming to Sweden, Laura was a member of the Real Time Computing Group at the OSF Research Institute in Cambridge, MA, where she worked on distributed real-time communication for the Mach microkernel.

Previously, she was a software engineer at BBN, developing the SIMNET distributed warfighting simulation for the US DoD and has also worked at several startups, most notably the computer game developer, Looking Glass Studios. She was a mathematics undergraduate at MIT.

Laura's hobbies include travel, photography, and birdwatching.